Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi

Head of THI Doctoral School

Room: P001
Subject Area: SW-Engineering and Distributed Systems


Research areas

  • Computer Science
    - SW Engineering (testing and correctness of systems)
    - Embedded and networked systems (SW)
  • Application-oriented
    - CAR2X communication (simulation, protocol and application design)
    - Vehicle safety/automated driving (based on CAR2X communication)
    - Industry 4.0

Membership in Doctoral School at THI

  • Doctoral Center AI/Computer Science
  • Doctoral Center Engineering Sciences


  • Since 2013 Research Professor for Embedded and Networked Systems
  • Since 2012 Scientific Director of the Center for Applied Research (ZAF)
  • Since 1.8.2006 Member of SCOPAR (
  • Since 1.12.2004 Professor for Software Engineering, Distributed Applications at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt:
    - Academic Director of THI Research Centre and Graduate School (since 2011)
    - Member of faculty board (since 2011)
    - Member of research board (since 2013)
  • 1996-2004  Siemens AG, Mobile Phones Section:
     Head of:
    -“Configurationmanagement, Toolsupport und Systemadministration (20 workstations, 1000 PCs)“
    - „Strategy Software Configurationmanagement and Developement Tools worldwide“
    - K-Java
    - AIPOP (Code optimization)
    - Continuus Rollout: Configurationmanagementtool (8 Sites; ~ 1000 Software-developer)
    - CMM Topic leader
  • 1995: Ph.D in Computer Science at TU München; Supervisor Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Broy, „Methodik zur formalen Spezifikation des ISO/OSI Schichtenmodells“
  • 1985 -1990: Studies of and degree in Computer Science with a minor in electrical engineering at TU München


List of Publications of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi

Offices and committees

- Since 2024 Academic Director of the Doctoral School at THI

- 2021/22 Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of the Right to Award Doctorates at HAW in Hesse

- Since 2020 Member of the Scientific Commission of the German Council of Science and Humanities (

- Founding member of the steering committee of the BayWISS Network “Mobility and Transport” since 2016, member of the board of directors since 2020

- Since 2015 Founding member of VDI/VDE-GMA FA 7.25 “Testing in Industry 4.0”

- 2013 - 2023 Head of the Graduate Center of the THI

- Member of the Research Council since 2013

- Since 2011 Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, later Faculty of Computer Science

- 2011 - 2020 Scientific Director of the Center for Applied Research

- Since 2011 Member of the examination board of the cooperative research master's program

- 2010 - 2013 Deputy Head of Research Construction CARISSMA 


Currently supervised Ph.D.s:

V2X Priority Cooperative Maneuver Coordination for Connected and Automated Vehicles; Daniel Maksimovski; als Erstbetreuer an der THI

VRU Safety Protection with V2X Communication; Silas Lobo; als Erstbetreuer an der THI

Chidvilas  Karpenahalli Ramakrishna; Uncertainty-Aware Criticality in Reinforcement Learning: Enhancing Robustness, Safety and Trust in Autonomous Driving; Erstbetreuer an der THI

Laur Dietl; Enhancing Reinforcement Learning via Neurosymbolic AI in the Context of Vulnerable Road User Trajectory Prediction; Erstbetreuer an der THI


Supervised Ph.D. 

Performance Improvements Using Dynamic Performance Stubs; Peter Trapp; als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer: Francois Siewe (De Montfort University, UK, 8/2011)

Performance Improvements Using Dynamic Performance Stubs; Peter Trapp; als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer: Francois Siewe (De Montfort University, UK, 8/2011)

A Framework for Specifying Business Rules Based on Logic with a Syntax Close to Natural Language; Christian Roettenbacher; als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer: Francois Siewe (De Montfort University, UK) (12/2017)

Methodology for Testing RFID-Applications; Andreas Hübner; als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer: Helge Janicke. (De Montfort University, UK) (11/2018)

Performance Testing Methodology for Car2X Systems based on IEEE 802.11p; Raphael Riebl als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer: Ali Albayatti. (De Montfort University, UK) (02/2021)

Enabling Teleoperated Driving in Everday Traffic Scenarios; Stefan Neumeie; als Zweitbetreuer; Erstbetreuer Jörg Ott (TU München) (06/2023)

Multimodal Motion Vehicle Prediction and Planning for Automated Driving; Alberto Flores Fernández; als Zweitbetreuer mit Michael Botsch; als Erstbetreuer Andrés García Higuera; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spanien (07/2023)