Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Kugele

Subject Area:
Model-based Systems Engineering und Software Engineering
Fakultät I
Technically challenging systems in mobility continue to grow in complexity due to developments in automated driving or flying. As a result, the amount of software and AI methods in the systems is increasing strongly, and the operating states must be monitored more comprehensively. To master this increasing complexity and meet the high demand for quality and reliability, methods of model-based system engineering and research into suitable approaches for modelling systems that contain data-based AI components are necessary. Model-based systems engineering is dedicated to these tasks at the interface between engineering sciences and computer science.
- In research, we use mathematically precise methods to ensure the correctness of these systems.
- We look at the interplay between humans, the environment, and the system operating within it to get a precise idea of what self-adaptive and autonomous systems are. Only then are specification, modelling, and analysis possible in a meaningful way.
Current Projects:
- Since 07/2020: Research Professor for Model-based Systems Engineering and Software Engineering at THI
- 10/2015 – 06/2020: Temporary Academic Council, Department of Informatics, Chair of Software & Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich
- 11/2006 – 09/2015: Research Assistant, Department of Informatics, Chair of Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science as well as Chair of Software & Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich
- 11/2006 – 11/2012: PhD at the Chair of Software & Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich
- 10/2000 – 10/2006: Studies of Computer Science with minor in Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Munich
KUGELE, Stefan und Franz WOTAWA, 2024. 21st Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE’24). In: RABISER, Rick, Manuel WIMMER, Iris GROHER, Andreas WORTMANN und Bianca WIESMAYR, Editors Software Engineering 2024, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, Page165-166. ISBN 978-3-88579-737-1. Available at: