Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Hof

Vice President for Teaching and Students
Professor Hof conducts research with his research group INSicherheit - Ingolstädter Forschungsgruppe Angewandte IT-Sicherheit ( in the areas of Secure Software, Network Security and Automotive Security. Current research projects deal with security in the Internet of Things, development processes for Secure Automotive Software, Automotive Blockchains and Future Automotive Security Architectures.
An overview of Professor Hof's research activities as well as ongoing and completed projects can be found on the homepage of INSicherheit - Ingolstädter Forschungsgruppe Angewandte IT-Sicherheit (
Current publications can be found at and in full text on ResearchGate ( and Google Scholar (
- at THI since 2016:
- since 2022 Head of Bachelor Cybersecurity
- since 2021 Project Manager THIsuccessAI
- since 2021 Head of Research Group "Security in Mobility" at CARISSMA Institute of Electric, Connected and Secure Mobility
- since 2019 Chair Scientific Board of Center of Entrepreneurship
- since 2019 Member of Supervisory Board of AININ
- since 2019 Vice President for University Extension and Special Tasks
- since WS 2016: Professor, Head of INSecurity - Ingolstadt Applied IT Security Research Group - HAW Munich | 2011-2016: Professor of Secure Software Systems
- Head of MuSe - Munich IT Security Research Group
- Siemens AG, Corporate Technology | 2008-2011: Research Scientist
- University of Karlsruhe | 2003-2007: Wiss. Mitarbeiter am Institut für Telematik
- Universität Karlsruhe (TH) | 1995-2007: Studies in computer science with specialisation in telematics and reliability architectures of systems and minor in law. As part of his studies, research stays in the USA at SAP Markets in Palo Alto, California, USA, among others. Doctorate in engineering
Scientific offices
- Chairman of the German Chapter of the ACM (
- Member of the Executive Board of the German Informatics Society (
- Editor-in-Chief (Chief Editor) International Journal on Advances in Security
- Member of a variety of organising and programme committees (e.g. SECURWARE, CENTRIC, IT-Security Live ERP Future, wearables \at \work, ...)
- Patents see
- Best Paper Award The Eleventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies 2017
- IARIA Fellow (International Academy, Reasearch, and Industry Association http://www.
- Best Paper Award SECURWARE 2016
- Best Speaker Award ESE Congress 2015
- Best Paper Award SECURWARE 2015
- Best Paper Award CENTRIC 2012
- Best Paper Award CENTRIC 2010
- Best Paper Award ICIW 2010