ON Campus Festival - our profs are there!

Logo On Campus Festival 2023

At today's ON Campus Festival of the THI, professors of the Faculty of Computer Science are present in the foreground and behind the scenes. 

At the Children's University, Prof. Torsten Schön clarifies whether Artificial Intelligence can do the homework at school (4 p.m., Neue Aula) and Prof. Bernd Hafenrichter explains how a Whatsapp message travels through the Internet. (6:30 p.m., Neue Aula). 

For those who like it even more lively, Prof. Torsten Schön, Prof. Marc Aubreville and Prof. Thomas Buckel will be at the turntables in Reimann's from 6 p.m. onwards.


Of course, there are many more activities for young and old - come by the campus from 3 p.m. on!