Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Birkner

Programme director and Academic advisor "Electrical Engineering and Electromobility" (Master), Research Professor for Vehicle Safety
Subject Area:
Test methods in Vehicle Safety
Fakultät E
- Test methods and high-performance functions in integral vehicle safety
- Actuator technology in integral vehicle safety
- Vehicle systems and novel control systems
- Networking of simulation and stimulation in real driving tests
- Test methods for battery vehicles
- Since 2017 at THI
- 08/2015 - 06/2017: Head of Powertrain Development at MAHLE Powertrain GmbH, Aschheim
- 06/2008 - 07/2015: Head of Department Transmission and Hybrid Systems at IAV GmbH, Munich, Ingolstadt
- 03/1995 - 06/2008: Development of diesel systems at SiemensVDO Automotive in various positions
- 1995: Graduation as Dr.-Ing.
- 05/1990 - 12/1994: Doctorate "Investigation of the suitability of vegetable oils as fuel for diesel engines and presentation of a new vegetable oil engine concept"; research assistant at the Chair of Power and Working Machines, TU Kaiserslautern
- 10/1987 - 04/1990: Study of mechanical engineering, specialising in power and work machines at TU in Kaiserslautern
- 10/1983 - 09/1987: Study of mechanical engineering at TU in Clausthal Zellerfeld
Here you can find a complete list of publications of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Birkner.