The W2 professorship finds an innovative international working environment at the THI with many exciting tasks in the three areas of teaching, research, transfer as well as in academic self-administration. The focus can be placed on both teaching and research. Teaching (18 SWS) is the focus of professorships with a teaching focus. The W2 professorship with a focus on research (research professorship) offers professors who are committed to research the possibility of a teaching load reduction of up to 9 semester hours per week. The award of the research professorship is usually limited to a period of 5 years. Reappointment is possible for an unlimited period of time after positive evaluation of the semester-by-semester proof of research performance. You can find out more about the main research areas at the THI here.
Currently, around 30 research professors are conducting research primarily in the CARISSMA institutes C-IAD, C-ISAFE and C-ECOS as well as in the AI mobility node "AImotion Bavaria".
Key Facts
- Remuneration W2
- Organisational connection to a faculty
- Participation in academic self-administration
- Teaching in Bachelor's and Master's programmes
- Involvement in academic continuing education
- Relief opportunities for research and transfer
For young scientists, THI has been offering the Professional Tenure Track Programme (PTTTHI) since summer term 2022, the new career path "W1-Nachwuchsprofessur". The PTTTHI is an evaluation-based qualification programme. With two different career paths, the "practice track" for young academics and the "doctoral track" for young practitioners. The goal of the programme is to become a W2 professor.
Find our more:
Nachwuchsprofessur – Werden Sie Prof!
Career paths
Two different career paths are offered in the "Professional Tenure Track".
The "Doctoral Track" is aimed at professional practitioners with an excellent Master's degree and at least five years of professional experience, who acquire the academic qualification for a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences (HAW) through the programme. The focus is on the academic post-qualification of experienced professional practitioners with professorial potential.
The "Praxis Track" is aimed at post-docs who, within the framework of the programme, primarily complete the legally required practical work for an HAW professorship. The focus is on the practical post-qualification of outstanding post-docs with professorial potential.
Procedure of the programme
The PTTTHI consists of three phases for both tracks:
In the orientation phase (approx. 6 months), candidates prepare for the programme depending on the chosen career path, for example by finding the partner company (practice track) or doctoral topic (doctoral track). In addition, a personal development plan is drawn up with individual programme goals to be achieved in the Professional Tenure Track Programme.
In the four- to five-year implementation phase, the young professors are independently assigned tasks of a professorship in teaching, research and self-administration. In parallel, either practical experience is gained at a partner company (practical track) or a doctorate is completed (doctoral track). The PTTTHI professorship is assigned to a faculty and a research group at the THI.
The final graduation phase can start in the 4th or 5th year, depending on individual progress. In this phase, the final evaluation is carried out, in which a decision is made about taking over as a regular W2 professor. Application for the expert appointment procedure is possible after four years at the earliest.
Over the five-year programme period, the professors will be accompanied by two experienced mentors from their own subject area and will also benefit from a qualification programme through which they will acquire all the necessary knowledge and appointment requirements for being taken on as a regular professor.
Key Facts
- Remuneration analogous to W1
- Work in applied research
- Affiliation to a faculty
- 6-9 shours per week teaching per semester
- Aim: appointment to a regular professorship (after max. 5 years)
- Participation in academic self-administration
As an academic staff member at THI, a wide range of topics in research and transfer are open to you. They usually deal with complex research questions or support the transfer services between the university and partners from science and industry. As one of the strongest research universities in Bavaria (research foci at THI), applied research is a major concern at THI. With this in mind, we expressly support and promote doctoral projects. You can find out more about this at our doctoral centre.
You can also find out about funding opportunities for women in research on the website of the LaKoF (Landeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten (State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers)).
Key Facts
- Funding for a doctorate with supervision by an experienced doctoral supervisor
- Excellent technical equipment and laboratories
- Very practical research with a link to industry in publicly or industrially funded projects
- Extensive further education and training opportunities as well as company health promotion
- Remuneration according to TV-L
Science support staff work primarily in university administration and science management. Here they make a central contribution to the best possible teaching and research conditions in a wide range of subject areas and departments (e.g. human resources, finance, student counselling and administration, IT, building administration, university marketing, research funding, etc.).
Here you will get an overview of the university organisations as well as an insight into the responsibilities of some departments.
Key Facts
- Very flexible working hours with the possibility of teleworking
- Family-friendly offers, such as day-care place allotments, parent-child office, childcare on the Day of Prayer and Repentance
- Extensive training and further education opportunities as well as company health promotion
- Remuneration according to TV-L

More information on Offers for apprentices
If you are interested in a teaching assignment, you can find our more directly on the pages of the faculties.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information:Open teaching assignments
Faculty of Informatics: Open teaching assignments
Faculty of Industrial Engineering: Open teaching assignments
THI Business School / Language Center: Open teaching assignments
Students can find an overview of all job portals and vacancies under this link: